Motolux Hillman Imp
June 1964 - Autocar
Motolux Hillman Imp TVV 2

The Imp Site

Moto-Baldet Motolux



Small Car 1964, September
Hey four eyes!
Something fishy about
this Motolux Hillman Imp


Making an Impression: Motoluxury : the hot Imps are coming; 2 / photography Charles Pocklington. - Small Car 1964, September. - p.15-17
Plus Motolux Hillman Imp ( TVV2) on the cover

Motolux Imp: Baldet's best on test : the hot Imps are coming; 3. - Small Car 1964, September. - p.16
Road test, only 2/3 of page 16

Motolux Hillman Imp. - Autocar 1964
TVV 2. 1/2 page

Chamois de ville. - Autocar 1964
CBD 555B. 1/2 page

IMPerial Chamois de Ville. - Motor 1965, January 16
The Moto-Baldet Chamois de Ville. 1 page

Autosport Feb 26th, 1965 (Volume 30 number 9)
advert from Motolux bespoke Imp + article

Autosport July 10th 1964 (Volume 29 number 2)
featuring Motolux Hillman Imp from Moto Baldet

The Imp Site
The Imp family
© Franka