The Imp Site

Hillman Super Imp, DPO 946L

Hillman Super Imp, DPO 946L; Going Dutch 2014
Going Dutch 2014: Koudum, Friesland
    The town of Koudum asked the Impers to make an exhibit on the Saturday in the main street, and we did.
Hillman Super Imp, DPO 946L; Going Dutch 2014
Going Dutch 2014: Koudum, Friesland
 And they enjoyed it, they did.
DPO 946L, 24 May 2007, Uitdam
Going Dutch 2007: Uitdam, May 27

metallic golden brown Hillman with Ochre (?) upholstery
on a rainy Sunday in Amterdam

DPO 946L, 24 May 2007, Uitdam
Going Dutch 2007: Uitdam, May 27

Back at the campsite after having survived Amsterdam
Driver: Steve Armitage, in the back: Steve Gray, passenger: Steve's dad?

The Imp Site
      Going Dutch 2014: Koudum, Friesland, May 23-26
      Going Dutch 2007: Uitdam, May 24-27
      Going Dutch 2005: Ardennes, May 26-30
© Franka
File version: 6 July 2014