The Imp Site

Hillman Imp, 461 JIK

  Hi, my name is Ted. In 1974 I started life as a standard Imp. Between 1974 and 1992 I had three owners. They had a lot of trouble with my engine because I had a bad block I had only done 30.000 miles. My present owner paid £100 for me and put me in a shed for two years. He then fitted me with a good engine and a coat of paint. In 2005 I had 100,000 miles done, but I was in bad shape: my engine was smokey and my back axle had come through the floor. I was off the road for a year and I had major surgery: new engine and a lot of metal work. In 2014 I was sick again: more metal worm and engine problems. This time a lot of time and money was spent on me and in April of this year I was given the all clear and am a healthy Imp again.
  • Stiletto front
  • Sports dash
  • 1020 cc engine
  • R14 Maynard cam
  • Twin 1 Yl Stromsbergs
  • AccuSpark electronic ign system
  • Valentine Exhaust manifold
  • Sohan's exhaust
  • l' Driveshafts
  • 55 amp alternator
  • Seat from Suzuki wagon R


Hillman Imp, 22 May 2009, Brielle
Going Dutch 2009: Brielle / Krabbeplaat, May 22

On Friday May 22nd, they're back !

Hillman Imp, 24 May 2007, Uitdam
[photo: Piet Tromp]   Going Dutch 2007: Uitdam, May 24

One arrives and immediately some friends drop by for tea.

Hillman Imp, 24 May 2007, Uitdam
Going Dutch 2007: Uitdam, May 26

John Sheppard's Hillman Imp goes out and about. It was seen at the Going Dutch of 2005 as well as 2007; in the June 2007 issue of Irish Vintage Scene (a 4 page article, the cover story); at the 2006 Trim show; and every weekday on the roads between home and work.

Hillman Imp, 24 May 2007, Uitdam
Going Dutch 2007: Uitdam, May 24

A 1974 Hillman Imp, bought in 1992
It needed another engine, and again in 2001.
Fully restored in 2004, no corners cut: many new panels, rebuild engine (a 30 thou' overbored 875 with a +10 thou' grinded crankshaft and new +30 thou pistons) which was brought up to Sport specs. Twin 1.25 inch Stromberg carbs, external oil coller and free-flow exhaust. Ford Fiesta front discs, Stiletto servo
4th owner; known history
12" Cosmic magnesium wheels
Engine cover from an Imp Sport
Cibie Oscar spotlights of the period
Fiesta seats
The steering column stalks are modified Mini ones.

Hillman Imp, 25 May 2007, Uitdam
Going Dutch 2007: Uitdam, May 25

There's a fairly large marina with the camping

Hillman Imp, 25 May 2007, Uitdam
Going Dutch 2007: Uitdam, May 25

Jill Dunkley and Cepta Sheppard having a chat

Hillman Imp, 26 May 2007, Uitdam
[photo: Willem Tromp]    Going Dutch 2007: Schardam, May 26

On the 100 mile scenic tour, at Schardam.

John Sheppard is an Area Centre Organiser in Ireland for The Imp Club Ltd. and a member of the Celtic Old Vehicle Owners Club.

LJC 806K
[photo: Murray Mitchell]   Going Dutch 2005 weekend, Ardennes

At the city of Franchorchamps-Spa to do some shopping, after visiting the Franchorchamps circuit

The Imp Site
      Going Dutch 2007: Brielle / Krabbeplaat, May 21-25
      Going Dutch 2007: Uitdam, May 24-27
      Going Dutch 2005: Ardennes, May 26-30

External links
Andy's site:

© Franka
File started: 29-May-2007