The Imp Site

Ginetta G15, RHK 339K

RHK 339K, 24 May 2007, Uitdam
[photo: Piet Tromp]   Going Dutch 2007: Uitdam, May 24

Sit. Stay. Now guard the boss's tent. (Colin's beast)

RHK 339K, 24 May 2007, Uitdam
Going Dutch 2007: Uitdam, May 24


RHK 339K, 24 May 2007, Uitdam
Going Dutch 2007: Uitdam, May 25

Colin Valentine was asked to drive his G15 for the length of the small parking lot towards the cameraman of the local Dutch television to shoot a butch bit of footage. The Ginetta moved a good lot faster than the cameraman had apparently expected and he had to get out of the way with some respectable footwork.
Yea Colin!
They did put part of that into the 3-minute news item on Going Dutch 2007

RHK 339K, 24 May 2007, Uitdam
Going Dutch 2007: Uitdam, May 25

Arriving at museum 'Zaanse Schans'.

RHK 339K, 24 May 2007, Uitdam
[photo: Willem Tromp]    Going Dutch 2007: Uitdam, May 26


RHK 339K, 25 May 2007, Uitdam
[photo: Piet Tromp]    Going Dutch 2007: Uitdam, May 26


RHK 339K, 24 May 2007, Uitdam
Going Dutch 2007: Uitdam, May 27

Parking in Amsterdam across from the ferry to the city centre

The Imp Site
      Going Dutch 2007: Uitdam, May 24-27
© Franka